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The 28 day home workout guide that will transform your body the Studio Pilates® way. Studio Pilates International® continues to transform the bodies of tens of thousands of people each day through our studios and online guides.
You can now do Studio Pilates® anywhere at anytime. No need for a gym membership and perfect if you’re a Studio Pilates® member who is travelling, or if you want to experience a taste of Studio Pilates® and there isn’t a location near you.
What You Receive
So roll out your Pilates mat and get ready to transform your body in just 28 days! This guide contains our highly specialised Scientific Sequencing developed by our team of physiotherapists, sports scientists and Olympic athletes and delivering you incredible results in an extremely short time frame.
Watch your body change before your eyes as you strip fat, tone up and start and new and healthy way of life.
What You’ll Achieve
*This guide is a digital download for instant access